This workout requires you to provide a tennis ball or a rolled up pair of socks. You will reinforce the gait pattern and coordinate fine motor and gross motor activation.You will be moving in the chair in an aggressive and coordinated manner, improving your brain and body coordination and getting our heart rate up. Let's get working!
Up Next in 5 Minute Workout DVD & More Exclusive 5 Minute Workouts
5 Minute DVD Workout 4
This workout incorporates the concept of reciprocal inhibition. We will learn to activate the CNS to achieve a more effective stretch for the chest, spine, back hips and shoulder. This is amazing!
5 Minute DVD Workout 5
This 5 Minute Workout incorporates movements using a towel which we've been performing since we've been hunting and gathering. You'll be encouraged to move with intensity and intension. Let's get to work!
5 Minute DVD Workout 6
You'll need to grab a towel and be prepared to work hard in the chair. Patrick will instruct you to move big and broadly, pulling the towel apart. Grab it firmly and follow the instructions .